September 9th - Classes Start
September 9th-14th - Selfie's at the Studio Week
September 21st - Cookie Dough Fundraising Begins
October 1st - Tuition Due
October 14th - Closed Indigenous Peoples Day/Columbus Day
October 24th-30th - Halloween Week! Wear Your Costume to Class!
October 19th - Cookie Dough Orders Due
October 31st - Halloween School Closed
November 1st - Tuition Due
November 3rd - Beyond the Stars Dance Convention - Harrah's Atlantic City NJ
November 11th - Veterans Day School Closed
November 13th - Skating Party
November 18th - 22nd Colors of Fall Week
November 20th - Cookie Dough Orders Arrive At Studio!
November 27th - Dec 1st Studio Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
December 1st - Tuition Due
December 2nd-7th - Holiday Spirit Week!
December 12th - Nutcracker Dress Rehearsal
December 14th - Nutcracker Performance
December 22nd - January 4th Studio Closed Christmas & Winter Break
January 1st - Tuition Due
January 6th - Classes Resume
January 13th -18th Frozen Week
January 17-19th - DanceXplosion Competition Solos
January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Studio - Closed
February 1st - Tuition Due
February 2nd-8th - TuTu Week - Wear Favorite Tutu to Class - Bring A Friend
February 4th-6th - Competition Dance Showings in Class
February 10th-15th - Spread the Love - Wear Red to Class Week
February 14th-16th - Breakout Dance Competition Sicklerville NJ
February 17th - Presidents Day School Closed
February 24th - March 1st Pajama Week - Wear Your Pajamas to Class!
March 1st - Pajama Party @ Studio 5-9pm
March 1st - Tuition Due
March 17th-22nd - Wear Green to Class
March 21st-23rd - Turn it Up Dance Competition
March 24th-29th - Wacky Sock Week
April 1st - Tuition Due
April 13th-20th - Closed Easter Spring Break
May 1st - Tuition Due
May 3rd - Recital Tickets Go On Sale
May 10th-16th - Costume Review Week & Recital Handbook / VIP Pre-Registration Week
May 16th-18th - DanceXplosion Competition
May 23rd-26th - Studio Closed Memorial Day Holiday
June 1st - Competition Tuition Due
June 2nd-7th - Spirit Week leading up to the Recital!
June 4th - Student Appreciation Day at Skate Plex
June 6th - VIP Give Away Day
June 10th - Dress Rehearsal and Picture Day at Studio
June 11th - Dress Rehearsal and Picture Day at Studio
June 16th - Stage Run Through Rehearsal at Theater
June 17th - Dance Recital at Klein Life JCC Center
June 23rd-26th - Competition Class and Rehearsals for Nationals
June 30th-2nd - Competition Class and Rehearsals for Nationals
July 1st - Competition Tuition Due
July 7th-12th - Dancexplosion Nationals Competition - Wildwood Nj
July 14th - Aug 14th - Summer Dance Classes Begin - 5 Weeks
July 24th - Competition Auditions for Fall 2024-2025
Aug 1st - Competition Tuition Due
Aug 15th - Summer Classes End
Aug 19th-21st - Last week for Competition Classes
** Please Note dates are subject to change according to scheduling**